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The energy flows where attention goes

Yesterday night, a circle of 10 women in their thirties gathered together. After some good food and wine, we started considering the effects of the “crisis”- . I wondered how it was possible that we all grew up with the perception of living in a “dark hole”. Where are the beauties of our homeland? Here is what we found together: the depth of the sky and the light of the sun; the strong bound between the people; the kiwis; the country side; the historical center with its architecture; the mix of cultures; the variety of the gastronomic regional traditions; the sparkle of many associations and civic engagement; the power of music as a mean for youth empowerment. *Where attention goes; energy flows*


Ieri sera, un circolo di dieci donne nei loro trenta, si sono riunite assieme. Dopo buon cibo e vino, abbiamo iniziato a riflettere sugli effetti della “crisi”. Mi sono chiesta come fosse possibile che non avessimo memoria di un tempo in cui non considerassimo la nostra città come “un buco nero”. Dov’è descritta la bellezza della nostra terra? Questo è ciò che abbiamo raccolto insieme: la profondità dei cieli e la loro luce; gli stretti legami tra le persone; le piantagioni di kiwi e la campagna di Aprilia; il centro storico come gioiello di architettura; il mix culturale (italiani provenienti da diverse regioni, e stranieri); la varietà gastronomica; l’associazionismo culturale e l’impegno civico; la musica come mezzo di crescita e aggregazione per i giovani…noi avevamo detto si all’invito di Prem Yamini. *L’energia arriva dove si focalizza l’attenzione*

About mirtillosmile

The Open Nest is a collection of living utopias. Of dreams, observations, experiences reported by Mirtillosmile. Mainly focused on sustainability, intentional living, and travel, this blog also includes nonsense reflections about art and life. Mirtillosmile grew up in Italy, where she had her first approach with groups of people voluntarily gathering together to reach a goal through mutual exchange of experiences, theatrical skills and random abilities. Back in the summer 2001, while the protests at G8 in Genoa were reaching the pick, a group of early 20s students were acting on a small stage. Pollicino was being transformed in a theater story that mixed Zen spiritualism, storytelling, fantasy and the reality of war. In 2003 she had the first symptoms of nomadic syndrome meanwhile moving to Portugal. Since then, she lived in Wales, The Netherlands, and now in Brooklyn. Mirtillosmile main activities include observation, participation, sharing. She is a film-maker, a photographer, an archivist, and most of the time a normal human being.


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